Tuesday, July 03, 2007

2nd day of installation and preparation - the perfect day to lose email contact with the world. It started out good and by 11am we had no outward going emails, incoming no problem, internet access fine - just for some strange cyberspace reason no ability to send emails. Those who know me, knows that this is one of those things that drives me nuts.

Mark our wonderful web designer spent over an hour here talking to our ISP and our tech guy Damien, but still to no avial. Damien the man is in tomorrow to hopefully sort all of this bother out.

Consequently I have been posting thank you comments on everyones blog for their knitting. I would have emailed......
I am now a bit behind and rushing to collect Alby ast her good friend Millie's house, but before I go - here is a sneak look at incoming knitting:

Thanks Saffron

Thanks Unravelled

Thanks Missy Fee
tomorrow I promise to post all the opening details - just have to go now.


georgina donovan said...

well now I know that you too join my sister in the world of knitty bloggers! I knit but i don't have a blog!


Bells said...

was great to come in and see it all happening today, Barb. Looking forward to the show!