Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday 9 July and I met another two lovely bloggers today - Beatlewear and quiltingmick popped in and dropped of some more goodies for the exhibition.

Our guest crocheter has arrived. And you must check out the beautiful yarn that Beatlewear will be selling during the show - yum. Some handspun others hand dyed.

Thanks for all the responses to the question of knitting whilst blogging. Some of you are very capable and others like to have distinct times. This doesn't suprise me really, but its fascinating to read how people fit it in. I'm happy to say that my knitting grew on the weekend for the first time in months. I couldn't remember if I was up to purl or knit and so just started on a knitting row and of course it was the wrong one! Bronwen did show me how I could distinguish between the 2 but its slipped my mind of course, but never mind it nows looks I have some sense of purpose in my pale green straight knitted scarf (I think).

This exhibition has been unique in so many ways not the least the creating and continuing of this blog. I am a part of the final product which is not usually the way, and all the knitters are a part of it in a very personal way I think. Knitting, similar to cooked food and not like many other practices is a craft of giving. So many women have, are or will be taught knitting, a relatively simple practice of knotting wool creating a fabric that can be shaped into many end results. It is truly a practical skill and one of pleasure with an aesthetic satisfaction. Sometimes when I think about knitting it reminds me of that old adage that went along the lines of "idle hands - idle mind". There is about knitting that concept of keeping busy, of doing, of being of use. From there it is easy to go on to the idea of gifting, you could easily see a growing number of knitted items that need to be used, or that there is always someone more needy and that you can be of use by knitting for them. All the knitters in this show have gifted their work, temporarily, to be shown to a wider public. (There is some knitting for sale but you will have to come along to find out which ones they are!) Knitting lends itself to generosity, sharing, and inclusion. And it is the last particularly that seems to inspire the numerous projects that have been happening around the world, knitting for poverty, knitting for water, knitting in protest of war, knitting for illness etc. Knitting seems to bring people together from across the world to share and gift.

Hopefully people will enjoy the gift of Knit1 Blog1 and read through the blogs and be inspired.


AMCSviatko said...

Is this a good time to mention we're in the thick of setting up a relationship with the local Women's Refuge to supply them with knitted garments to keep their clients warm through winter?

Knit1 Blog1 said...

Its a great time to announce it. Let us know if you would like us to promote this further.

Suse said...

There is also a scheme somewhere I saw recently (can't remember where, sorry) where you crochet a granny square and send it to be sewn into a blanket for the homeless.

Knit1 Blog1 said...

hi from Tim